Search results for "unix"


FragCheck and Defrag Tools

Various Gnome Stuff by inameiname
These are simple scripts to check for fragmentation & defragmentation, if desired. There have been several folks interested in something simple, so here it is. Works great for curiosity and checking external drives, of any format. Personally, FragCheck is nice when wanting to know how...
extension gnome linux unix
Sep 08 2010

Notify OSD Configuration - Fedora 13

Various Gnome Stuff by ketheriel
NOTE: Looking for a Icon for this application that can fit well in Faenza icon theme. Notify OSD Configuration tool... works with notify-osd patched with leolik patch. Fedora users can grab notify-osd here:
extension gnome linux unix
Sep 06 2010

Notify OSD - Fedora 13

Various Gnome Stuff by ketheriel
Notify OSD replaces GNOMEs stock notification-daemon and provides a more elegant way of displaying notification. This version has been patched with 'leolik's patch' which allows further configuration. NOTE: This version no longer has coalitions with notification-daemon. To cut ya some...
extension gnome linux unix
Sep 06 2010

Ubuntu Light Tux Avatar

Various Gnome Stuff by vs8
This is the first time I actually work with GIMP or any other image editor. I'm no designer or anything like that. I created this avatar to go with the new Ubuntu branding because my old avatar (not created by me) featured the old branding. Criticism is welcomed but that doesn't guarantee...
extension gnome linux unix
Sep 05 2010

Pulpit Wallpaler Polish

Various Gnome Stuff by dosokol
Good idea to maintain order on your desktop:)
extension gnome linux unix
Sep 03 2010

Various Gnome Stuff by KZKG-Gaara
extension gnome linux unix
Sep 01 2010

Gnome-basic Pidgin Guifications theme

Various Gnome Stuff by donaldbroatch
This is a theme for Pidgin Guifications notifications designed to match Gnome notifications in basic Gnome desktops like Ferdora, Mandriva and Debian- it was designed and tested on Debian Lenny. There's a blue popup to match the default themes in these Distro's, plus an orange pop-up to match...
extension gnome linux unix
Aug 31 2010

Ironman HUD

Various Gnome Stuff by britj
extension gnome linux unix
Aug 30 2010

Window Indicadors Ubuntu

Various Gnome Stuff by jmming
English: this is how I think they could be the Win-indicators referred to Mark ... but only they will know how good they are doing ... is only an idea ... but if you do best .. in good time Español: así es como creo que podrían ser los Win-indicadores a los que se refiere Mark ... pero ...
extension gnome linux unix
Aug 28 2010

Elegant GNOME Chromium theme

Various Gnome Stuff by chileubuntero
It's just a Chrome theme to match arobase's Elegant GNOME suit. It will be added to the script soon.
extension gnome linux unix
Aug 25 2010