- bootscreen 52
- linux 52
- plymouth 52
- splashscreen 52
- unix 52
- bootsplash 18
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Search results for "unix"
- 52 hit(s)
Boot screen theme for Linux Mint.
Plymouth Themes
[b]A new Linux Mint logo.[/b]
This theme is based on the standard Linux Mint theme. Only the logo has changed. I created a new version of the Linux Mint logo and replaced the other one. I changed it here, on this boot screen, and for the menu icon, and also for my Grub theme: the...
bootscreen bootsplash linux linux-mint logo plymouth splashscreen theme unix
Jan 01 2019
Plymouth NSA Splash Screen
Plymouth Themes
This is a custom Plymouth splashscreen done in NSA style with a cool loading bar. Give it a try!
You can see an animated preview here: http://gph.is/1IzkUZI
Read comments/check https://github.com/skd1993/nsa-plymouth for installation instructions
bootscreen bootsplash linux plymouth splashscreen unix
Apr 04 2017