Search results for "unix"



GTK3/4 Themes by myrddin-wyllt
DarkIce is a dark theme with an icy color scheme. Gradients & textures abound in this non-flat theme. The theme is based on DarkCold, but has diverged enough to be considered a different theme because of reworked art and many additions. Stay tuned, the best rendition of this theme is yet to...
cold dark gnome gradient ice linux non-flat theme unix
Jun 12 2019


GTK3/4 Themes by fredbird67
Based on the radiance, default ambiance, and ambiance dark themes that come with Ubuntu-MATE, which is what I use, I have created a series of GTK themes designed for use with madmaxms' Delft and Obsidian icon themes, for a unified desktop look with his icon themes, which have become favorites of...
delft gnome gtk icons linux obsidian theme themes unix
May 12 2019


GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce
[B] McOS-MJV-Gnome-3.30[/B] Is a special version of the Mc-OS-MJV designed to work with the brand new Gnome 3.30 desktop. Nautilus has been redesigned, and as such requires theme-adjustments that conflict with the older Mc-OS-MJV -theme The Dark-mode variant is also available for Gnome...
gnome linux mac mojave osx theme unix
Sep 25 2018


GTK3/4 Themes by tnilzon
Soft and green, with colors inspired from DevianArt. Flat and squared, made for Gnome.
flat gnome green gtk3 linux squared theme unix
Nov 03 2018


GTK3/4 Themes by tnilzon
Simple - Flat - Squared gtk3 theme, everything designed to make your computer experience pleasant without getting in the way. Made for Gnome.
dark-theme flat gnome gtk3 linux squared theme unix
Nov 01 2018


GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce
[b]Manjarin[/b] This theme (which is a variation of my Telinkrin-theme) is made to blend with the Manjaro-Gnome-Edition. Nautilus and Tweak-tool have a new and modern look. And theming is persistent to the smallest detail. the shell-theme that blends well is the shell-theme of the...
telinkrin arrongin manjaro linux unix theme gnome
Apr 29 2018

Arc-Zenburn for GNOME

GTK3/4 Themes by unheeding
I like the Arc theme, but I also love the Zenburn colour scheme. So I fired up Sublime Text [UNREGISTERED] and changed a few values, and also edited some images in Inkscape and GIMP, and came up with something that I like. I made this for my own personal use, so as for now it's incomplete,...
arc dark gnome gtk3 linux theme unix zenburn
Sep 05 2018

Equilux Theme

GTK3/4 Themes by ddnexus
The Equilux Theme provides a couple of full-dark, neutral-gray theme for GNOME/GTK+ based desktop environments. It supports GTK+ 3, GTK+ 2, GNOME Shell, Budgie, MATE, Unity, LightDM, GDM, Chrome theme, etc. It is not designed to be fancy, but to be useful for a few specific goals: -...
gnome linux unix theme ubuntu cinnamon metacity mate
Oct 29 2018


GTK3/4 Themes by originalseed
--------------------------------------- [b]New 05 Jul 2018 Support for gtk 3.20/3.22 (Download from github) [/b] (16 Jan 2015): GTK 3.14 adjustments FIX: - comboboxes - tabs - side-toolbars - buttons - spinner added, Known issues: OpenOffice / LibreOffice - Calc doesn't...
dark gnome gtk2 gtk3 linux skeuomorph theme unix
Jul 05 2018


GTK3/4 Themes by umayanga
System 76's brand new "Pop OS" like GTK+ and Shell theme. Also consider as a material style alternative theme for the default theme of Ubuntu. Dark titlebar / headerbar version An adaptive Gtk+ theme based on the Flat-Plat and Adapta theme. Tested on GNOME 3.26 Icon theme:...
gnome linux material popos system76 theme unix
Jan 25 2018