Image 01


Tsu Jan

Full Icon Themes by tsujan 63 comments

Inkscape GIMP - Apr 16 2022

Full Icon Themes by tsujan 63 comments

I'm afraid I don't have time to work on this set anymore; haven't updated it for years. As for the method, there wasn't a single one. - Apr 16 2022

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 64 comments

Thanks for your comment. You could fork E17gtk. Except for a few apps, I don't use GTK apps but have kept E17gtk in my GitHub repository for anyone who might want to fork it. - Sep 07 2020

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 64 comments

Thanks! Tastes differ. Frankly, I don't like scrollbar buttons. I have only a few GTK apps and use E17gtk with them. For Qt, I use Kvantum, whose default theme is very similar to E17gtk but has scrollbar buttons; however, that's optional and I've removed them in its other themes. - Jul 28 2019
KvGray for Kvantum

Kvantum by tsujan 4 comments

Thanks but all of my Kvantum themes on this site are outdated. The up-to-date versions are included in the latest version of Kvantum itself (

Please note that I don't change anything on or - Jun 17 2019

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

You've done a great job -- I saw your themes when we were talking on GitHub. - Sep 12 2018
KvCurves for Kvantum

Kvantum by tsujan 7 comments

Please don't download my themes from this site because all of them are included in Kvantum in better forms. - Jun 26 2017

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

I answered your question but this site seems buggy. You could report bugs, request features or ask questions at - May 26 2017

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

I rarely (if ever) come here. Kvantum is developed at github and your bug reports, feature requests and questions are very welcome there.

That being said, there are some themes included in Kvantum, that can match some gtk themes:

(1) The default Kvantum theme fairly matches E17gtk (;
(2) KvAmbiance matches Ubuntu's Ambiance;
(3) KvArc and KvArcDark match the Arc gtk theme and its dark counterpart (sorry, I have no link to those gtk themes);
(4) Kvantum also includes KvGnome and KvGnoemDark. A year ago, they matched Gnome default theme but since Gnome devs change everything once in a while, I started to developed and change those themes freely. However, they still match Gnome theme to some extent. - May 26 2017

Full Icon Themes by tsujan 11 comments

Thanks! I didn't know that an external link to github was possible; added it right now. - Apr 14 2017

Full Icon Themes by tsujan 11 comments

Thank you!
The theme isn't up-to-date here. I'll add the latest version to my GitHub page soon. - Feb 10 2017

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

It seems that you haven't taken time to try Kvantum...

Kvantum doesn't have any issue with qml; it's qml that has issue with complete styling. The problem just can't be seen with simple styles like Breeze.

Anyhow, I won't add a comment/reply here anymore. THIS PAGE IS OUTDATED. Bug reports and feature requests should be posted at the GitHub page. - Nov 25 2016

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

I'd be grateful if you tell about the bug you've found (preferably at GitHub). - Aug 14 2016

Utilities by thomas12777 1 comment

This is a really nice app! I changed all of my Yad scripts to Qarma ones under LXQt and now they not only look native but also work better. Thanks a lot! - Jul 08 2016

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 64 comments

Yes! I decided to keep this theme updated. Its homepage is on GitHub. - Jul 03 2016

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

Glad to know you enjoy it :) - Jun 27 2016

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 64 comments

I updated it for GTK+-3.20.X and put it on GitHub ( Do not use the download link here because it is old! - Jun 12 2016

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

Thanks for your contribution! - Jun 08 2016

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

BTW, as the .pro files are made for systems with Qt5 as their default Qt (i.e. most systems), Kvantum Manager and the extra themes won't be installed if the default Qt is Qt4. You should either compile them separately from their own folders or edit ''. - May 22 2016

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

> Also, you don't have to specify dependencies for the finished package in the debian/control file

That was intentional: deb packages built against Qt >= 5.5.1 didn't work well in systems with Qt-5.5.0. - May 22 2016

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 96 comments

I'm really sorry to say this but, due to (useless) backward incompatible changes that Gnome devs always make to gtk3, updating gtk3 themes is a waste of time, IMO. So, I won't update my gtk3 themes anymore (actually, I don't use gtk3 anymore). - May 21 2016

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

Please read my reply above! - May 19 2016

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

Oh, now I remember! Thanks for reporting! That's because of a workaround I included in Kvantum for QTBUG-47043. If I remove it for Qt < 5.5, Kvantum should be compiled against Qt-5.3 too. Please test again after I make a commit in GitHub (see the title of the latest commit) and tell me about the result! Thanks in advance!

As for the Debian folder, you're right. But, although I use Debian, I don't like to make an exception for Debian based systems. What about Arch-based systems (I like them very much) or rpm-based system? Should I include build folders/files for them too? I don't think so -- at least, not yet. - May 19 2016

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

Strange! The specific header `qxcbwindowfunctions.h` isn't used by Kvantum.

I don't think Jessie has a DE that recognizes Qt5 style plugins automatically. You should use one of the methods explained in INSTALL.

Thanks for the arch-independent tip! I only build 64-bit packages because I can test them. - May 18 2016

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

In a sense, yes, it's old but maybe not too old. Doesn't a direct Qt5 compilation work in Jessie? What is the error message?

Anyway, this is the deb folder I use but I don't know whether it'll work in Jessie (because of different versions of many packages):

As for openSUSE build service, I prefer not to build packages that I can't test. My system is Debian Testing and I have a Kubuntu LTS on VirtualBox. I also have Manjaro but with metak's nice packages there's no need to a separate Arch package. - May 15 2016

GTK2 Themes by tsujan 8 comments

Thanks for your feedback! - May 06 2016

GTK2 Themes by tsujan 8 comments

That is possible but Kvantum has a much more polished theme for Qt4/Qt5, namely, KvGnomeDark. I made this theme for a few GTK2 apps I had. - May 03 2016

GTK2 Themes by tsujan 8 comments

The workaround for FF is like with other dark themes and is explained in README.

The OB theme is included in Kvantum (KvGnomeDark) and can be used without Kvantum too ( - May 03 2016

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 64 comments

I repeat my reply to Masque here:

After updating my Manjaro installation, getting gtk-3.20, and taking a look at gtk source, I found out that this time, Gnome devs made so many backward incompatible changes to keep their senseless monopoly on how gtk3 "should" be styled. Updating the theme for use with gtk-3.20 is possible but would waste hours of my time for nothing! To me, this is a senseless job I don't have the slightest reason to do, especially when I'm very busy with other productive jobs.

If you use Enlightenment, you could easily replace your GTK3 apps with Qt ones and use Kvantum's default theme, which is very similar to the default theme of Enlightenment. - May 02 2016

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 64 comments

I am really sorry to say this:

After updating my Manjaro installation, getting gtk-3.20, and taking a look at gtk source, I found out that this time, Gnome devs made so many backward incompatibale changes to keep their senseless monopoly on how gtk3 "should" be styled. Updating the theme for use with gtk-3.20 is possible but would waste hours of my time for nothing! To me, this is a senseless job I don't have the slightest reason to do, especially when I'm busy with developing my Qt engine and some other Qt apps.

I won't remove this theme just for its gtk2 part. - May 02 2016

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 64 comments

I'll start to work on it when gtk-3.20 comes to Debian Testing. It may take some time to know what (useless) changes are made in that version. - May 02 2016

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 64 comments

It's a long time I haven't used Enlightenment (because of its peculiar way of desktop management, which is inconsistent with many apps) but I like its dark look. So, this theme isn't specifically for use under E anymore. - Apr 27 2016

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 64 comments

I don't think that's a theme issue. Anyway, you gave me motivation to update it for gtk-3.20. Now I'm very busy with Qt but I'll surely do it. - Apr 23 2016

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 64 comments

Oh, it's a surprise to me that it works after such a long time! I'll update it when I have free time. - Apr 23 2016
KvSimple for Kvantum

Kvantum by tsujan 36 comments

No, I don't. But if you change every occurrence of LXQt to LxQt in lxqt-panel.qss, it should work. - Jan 13 2016

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 96 comments

That's because the deb packages are made for the latest Ubuntu and Debian. One of its extra themes (KvGray) is not unlike GnomishGray. This is another one: - Dec 06 2015

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 96 comments

> I also use kde and see if I can find your qt themes.

KDE, LXQT or anywhere else, you could use Kvantum. It has 12 different themes of its own when installed. - Dec 06 2015

GTK3/4 Themes by tsujan 96 comments

Thank you very much for your kind words!

I'll be very surprised if GnomishGray still works with recent gtk3 versions because the Gnome devs have a habit of breaking themes with every gtk version... However, it's more than 3 years that I've left gtk for Qt and I may not update this theme anymore. - Dec 06 2015

Full Icon Themes by tsujan 11 comments

You're welcome! A minor update will come soon (without announcing), - Dec 01 2015
KvSimple for Kvantum

Kvantum by tsujan 36 comments

Good to know that! My laptop is Asus too; it goes very well with Linux. - Nov 25 2015
KvSimple for Kvantum

Kvantum by tsujan 36 comments

Oh, the theme is OK. I hope you'll enjoy your new computer ;) - Nov 20 2015
KvSimple for Kvantum

Kvantum by tsujan 36 comments

Download it again! I fixed an issue with the keyboard indicator too. - Nov 19 2015
KvSimple for Kvantum

Kvantum by tsujan 36 comments

It should be fixed now. - Nov 19 2015
KvSimple for Kvantum

Kvantum by tsujan 36 comments

I'll look into it as soon as I have time. Now I'm busy with fixing a bug in pcmanfm-qt. - Nov 05 2015

Application Styles by tsujan 123 comments

The default Qt is Qt5 in most distros, so the folder PATH/qt/plugins/style/ should belong to Qt5 if it exists and the Qt5 plugin should have been installed correctly in your case.

I don't have KaOS but Manjaro. They seem to have the same versions of Qt5 and KDE (5.5.1-1 and 18.08.2-1, respectively) and yet I don't see any problem here. Does your problem persist after logging out and in? Is your system fully updated? - Oct 30 2015
KvSimple for Kvantum

Kvantum by tsujan 36 comments

Thanks for your feedback. - Oct 22 2015
KvSimple for Kvantum

Kvantum by tsujan 36 comments

Done! Download the latest archive and read INSTALL! - Oct 19 2015
KvSimple for Kvantum

Kvantum by tsujan 36 comments

I prefer a translucent dark panel with all themes, having added a blurring effect to it with compton. But OK. I'll add a matching panel theme later and will let you know. - Oct 15 2015
KvSimple for Kvantum

Kvantum by tsujan 36 comments

I use the default Adwaita theme. For GTK2, I've modified it a little, as explained in INSTALL. - Oct 13 2015
KvCurves for Kvantum

Kvantum by tsujan 7 comments

I'm impressed by KvNC! That's not just some changes in some parts; it's good work! - Oct 01 2015

by thomas12777

9   Jul 28 2016
9   Oct 01 2015
9   Aug 20 2015
9   Aug 09 2015
Ambiance Crunchy

GTK3/4 Themes
by frombenny

9   Aug 05 2015

by CraigD

9   Jul 08 2015
9   Apr 15 2015
9   Mar 02 2015
Evolvere Light

Plasma Window Decorations
by franksouza183

9   Mar 02 2015
9   Aug 09 2014
Evolvere Icon theme

Full Icon Themes
by franksouza183

9   May 17 2014

by omidnikta

9   May 10 2014

GTK3/4 Themes
by hellokitten

9   Mar 01 2014
Subtitle Composer

Video Apps
by maxrd2

9   Nov 30 2013
9   Oct 24 2013
Comix Cursors

by jlue

9   Sep 21 2013
Time Keeper

Plasma 5 Clocks
by niceway

9   Aug 14 2013
9   Jul 11 2013
9   Mar 18 2013

by Noughmad

9   Jan 09 2013